Our team believes in providing participant-led support.

We meet individuals where they are and believing that they are the experts in their own life. As an agency, our service-delivery model is based on relevant research and established best practices and proven by successful outcomes. At any given time, we are conducting research and/or data collection regarding the complex issue of homelessness in our city and working with local, regional, or national partners to work towards ending chronic homelessness.

Homelessness is a complex societal issue, and to combat it, our agency is comprised of three specific interventions:

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H. O. P. E.

Housing Opportunities for People to Excel

H.O.P.E. is an intensive housing support team that works with individuals who have a history of chronic homelessness, along with other barriers preventing them from securing and maintaining housing. Our team directly supports and houses participants who have been identified through the By Names List as being chronically homeless (6+ months homeless) and prioritizes those who present with complex needs.

H.O.P.E. works with local landlords and community partners to secure low-cost or subsidized housing units for people living with chronic homelessness.

Our team offers wrap-around services to meet our participants’ various needs, applying a Housing-First philosophy and model; individuals and families we work with have access to permanent housing with support to help them stay housed.

Our support doesn't just end with housing. Through ongoing support and case management, participant-led goals are explored—leading to increased community involvement, improved self-sufficiency, and retained housing. By adopting and offering this approach, H.O.P.E is working to end chronic homelessness in the City of Saint John.

S. H. I. F. T. Outreach Services

Supporting Homeless Individuals and Families to Transition

SHIFT Outreach Service is responsible for supporting individuals living unsheltered (outside). Their primary goal is to identify those who are living with homelessness and connect with every person sleeping rough (unsheltered). Our team works with them as individuals to connect to local services, work towards housing solutions and mitigate risks they face living out of doors. SHIFT staff provide case management for individuals who wish to work on personal goals while homeless and, when able, assist with securing housing.

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HEARTHSTONE Prevention Program

Our team manages the Emergency Homeless Prevention Fund: its purpose is to assist with ensuring people and families do not enter homelessness. We, as an agency, recognize that it is an integral piece of anti-homeless work. With quick intervention and a commitment to keep people housed, we provide emergency rent relief and help for people who are dealing with loss of employment, inadequate affordable housing, power disconnections, abusive relationships and any other obstacles.

On average, we help 300 people avoid losing their home each year.